
Segundo seminario de ‘Pérez-Llorca Laboral al Día’ de 2019

Nota de imprensa

Pérez-Llorca analyses the latest developments in labour law


The firm held the second 'Pérez-Llorca Labour Law Update’ seminar of 2019, where the latest case law developments in the field of labour law were discussed

Partners Daniel Cifuentes, Fernando Ruiz and Laura Pérez participated in the second ‘Pérez-Llorca Labour Law Update’ seminar of 2019, in which they discussed the latest developments in labour law, such as Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, of 1 March, on urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment at work and equal employment opportunities for men and women, and Royal Degree-Law 8/2019, of 8 March, on urgent measures for social protection and to combat job insecurity regarding working hours.

Daniel Cifuentes opened the event by summarising the twenty most significant rulings given by the Supreme Court and the National High Court on a wide range of topics including the illegal assignment of workers, work-life balance, temporary contracts, objective dismissals, collective dismissals, salary and working hours.

Then, Fernando Ruiz presented the Pérez-Llorca “Top 3”, which ranks the three most important labour rulings from the past few months. First place was given to the National High Court’s ruling of 17 December 2018, which established that for workers who are posted to other companies to provide services, the number of extra hours worked per month compared to at the original company do not constitute overtime. In second place was the Supreme Court’s ruling of 6 February 2019, which concluded that installing geolocation systems on telephone devices was not proportionate, meaning that the measure did not respect workers’ privacy, and was not sufficiently discussed and consulted with workers’ representatives. Finally, Fernando Ruiz analysed the ruling of the Supreme Court of 27 September 2018, on standard workforce succession planning.

Laura Pérez closed the event by outlining the main developments introduced by Royal Decree-Law 6/2019 on urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment at work and equal employment opportunities for men and women, and those introduced by Royal Decree-Law 8/2019 on urgent measures for social protection and to combat job insecurity regarding working hours.

With regard to Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, Pérez highlighted the obligation of companies with more than 50 employees to have a registered equality plan and to keep a record of average salaries, as well as to increase maternity leave for parents other than biological mothers and childcare leave.

In relation to Royal Decree-Law 8/2019, the labour Partner analysed the obligation of companies to ensure they keep a daily record of employees’ working hours. The seminar ended with a round of questions from the audience, which was particularly interested in measures that could be introduced to regulate working hours.