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Brussels Insights – May 2023

Brussels Insights – May 2023

May 2023

Brussels Insights

Please find below the May edition of Pérez-Llorca’s Brussels Insights, in which we periodically analyse current issues relating to European Union law from a “Brussels perspective”.

In May, we have selected the following topics:

  1. The Commission Recommendation on combating online piracy of sports and other live events.
  2. The negotiating mandate of the Council of the European Union on the Commission’s Proposal for a Directive as regards empowering Consumers for the green transition.
  3. The recent case law of the General Court on State aid to the aviation sector in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Judgments of 10 May 2023 in Joined Cases T-34/21 and T-87/21, Ryanair v Commission (Lufthansa – COVID-19) and in Case T-238/21, Ryanair v Commision (SAS II – COVID-19).