
Nota legal

The Key developments in the Directive on Copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market


On 17 May, the Official Journal of the European Union issued two Directives on copyright and related rights: Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and Directive (EU) 2019/789 of the European Parliament and of the Council

On 17 May, the Official Journal of the European Union issued two Directives on copyright and related rights: Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC (Text with EEA relevance) (“the Directive”) and Directive (EU) 2019/789 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 laying down rules on the exercise of copyright and related rights applicable to certain online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and retransmissions of television and radio programmes, and amending Council Directive 93/83/EEC (Text with EEA relevance)(“the Second Directive”). Once implemented in each Member State, regulations relating to intellectual property rights, especially in the online environment, will undergo major changes.

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intellectual property