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Towards a directive on litigation funding: the European Parliament’s resolution of 13 September 2022
On 13 September 2022, the European Parliament adopted a resolution with recommendations to the European Commission on litigation funding...
The position of the Court of Justice on investment arbitration and the reaction of international arbitral tribunals.
The position of the CJEU against the validity of intra-EU investment arbitration is clear, as can be seen in its latest decisions...
Medidas cautelares y diligencias preliminares en el ámbito civil
The Court of Justice rules against ad hoc arbitration agreements that are identical to clauses contained in bilateral investment treaties between Member States
This Legal Briefing analyses a new CJEU judgment on investment arbitration...
The EU against investment arbitration
European institutions have opted to abandon investment arbitration as a mechanism for the resolution of disputes between investors and states...
The Court of Justice rules against intra-EU arbitration under the Energy Charter
In this Briefing, we analyse how the court of justice rules against intra-ue arbitration under the Energy Charter...
The suspension of arbitration agreements: the effects of the David Guetta case on other insolvency proceedings
suspension arbitration agreements...
Exceptio non adimpleti contractus and exceptio non rite adimpleti contractus
Pérez-Llorca Legal Journal – March 2019
The Helms-Burton Act and the means of defence against it before the Spanish courts
Analysis of the means of defence before Spanish courts for Spanish investors in Cuba with regard to the effects of the Helms-Burton Act...
The European Arbitration Review Spain
Amounts paid on account for the purchase of dwellings
On 14 September 2017, the SC handed down judgment 502/2017 in which it clarified the liability regime of credit institutions under Law 57/1968, of 27 July, on the collection of amounts advanced in the construction and sale of dwellings...
Fast Track Procedures: A New Trend in Institutional Arbitration
This article was first published in Dispute Resolution International, Vol 11 No 2, October 2017, and is reproduced by kind permission of the International Bar Association, London, UK. © International Bar Association...
Are there limits to the dispositive principle in proceedings to annul an arbitral award?
New ICC measures to increase transparency during the review of arbitral awards
This Information Briefing discuss the changes introduced by the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce...