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Practices and Sectors


Pérez-Llorca’s Environment team is formed of professionals with a wide range of experience in regulated sectors, which enables them to find the best solution to every issue that they are presented with.


Pérez-Llorca’s Environment team is formed of professionals with a wide range of experience in regulated sectors, which enables them to find the best solution to every issue that they are presented with.

Our Environment team has extensive experience in giving environmental legal advice to Spanish and international public and private entities. We advise on areas including:

  • Administrative Expedients: Advice on the preparation, monitoring, processing and management of Environmental Authorisations, Environmental Impact Statements, licences, concessions, permits and Environmental Impact Plans, such as Natural Resource Management Schemes, Hydrological Plans and Projects of Regional Interest. Our Environmental lawyers also prepare Master Plans for land development, in close collaboration with other teams at Pérez-Llorca.
  • Waste, water and discharges: Our Environment team advises on legal matters related to the management, transportation and production of all types of chemical, industrial, pharmaceutical and bio-health waste, and on compliance with routine requirements. We advise on water and discharges, especially with regard to Hydrographic Confederations and waterway and groundwater contamination. We also manage and coordinate pre-litigious actions in order to avoid sanctions.
  • Noise pollution and soil contamination: Our Environment team’s advice covers the analysis of Special Noise Protection Areas, acoustic easements due to infrastructure, changes to Noise Zoning and targets for sound quality and applicable emission limits. We also advise on matters related to soil contamination, including the revision of official soil contamination charts, the processes to remove said contamination, and the management and coordination of processes designed to avoid sanctions.

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Alberto Ibort Franch
Antoni Companys i Alet