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New trend in competition policy: investigation and prohibition of restrictive agreements in labour markets
This legal briefing aims to clarify some essential aspects of this trend...
European “Net-Zero Industry Act” Regulation
This Legal Briefing outlines the main aspects and implications of the Regulation...
Revised Portuguese National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030
In this Legal Briefing we highlight the main aspects of the revised draft of the PNEC 2030...
The CNMV’s new Technical Guide on Audit Committees at Public-Interest Entities
We analyse the main new features introduced by the Guide...
European electricity market reform
This Legal Briefing highlights the main aspects of the reform introduced by these pieces of legislation...
Approval of the Listing Act – Developments relevant to capital market transactions
We analyse the main developments introduced by the new legislation, as well as their practical implications...
The European Court of Human Rights’ new approach to climate change litigation
This Legal Briefing discusses two decisions and a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights...
Procedural efficiency, alternative dispute resolution and costs in civil and commercial matters
New developments contained in the Draft Organic Law on the efficiency of the public service of justice and actions for the protection and defence of the rights and interests of consumers and users...
New developments regarding collective actions contained in the Draft Organic Law on the efficiency of the public service of justice and actions for the protection and defence of the rights and interests of consumers and users
This Legal Briefing will analyse the main features on collective actions that have been proposed by the Draft Law...
The Directive on liability for defective products
The purpose of this Legal Briefing is to explain the main elements and scope of the new Directive with a comparative annex of the two Directives included...
Directive 2024/825: empowering consumers for the green transition through better protection against unfair practices and through better information
This Legal Briefing analyses the new Directive 2024/825 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 February 2024...
The European “Net-Zero Industry Act”
Provisional agreement on the final text of the legislation aimed at boosting the European Union’s green industry and economy...