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Antoni Frigola
Antoni Frigola


T: +34 91 360 97 94
Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid

Practices and Sectors

  • Antitrust and Competition Litigation
  • Competition


Antoni Frigola joined Pérez-Llorca in 2020. Prior to this, he worked at a prestigious international firm and a Big Four company.


  • 2003 Became a specialist judge in commercial law matters, recognised under the Agreement of the General Council of the Judiciary dated 19 November 2003
  • 1990 Became a qualified judge. Promoted to senior judge through RD 156/1992 of 11 February (currently on leave of absence)
  • 1990 Became a qualified public prosecutor. Currently on leave of absence.
  • 1987 Degree in Law, UNED, Madrid

He speaks Spanish.


Antoni boasts ample experience in litigation thanks to the training acquired throughout his career in the Spanish courts: The Madrid Commercial Court; Courts of First Instance in Madrid and Barcelona; the Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation in Fuenlabrada (Madrid); the Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation in Parla; the Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation in Olot (Girona); Public prosecutor for the National High Court of Pontevedra.

In addition, Antoni has over 10 years of experience practising law dedicated to procedural representation in complex litigation, including advice on international arbitration, proceedings for the liability of directors and contesting corporate resolutions within listed companies and international groups, and advice and representation of airlines in damage claims.

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

Antoni has taught at classes and conferences in the following institutions:

  • On Procedural Law, organised by the General Council of the Judiciary.
  • On procedural matters, organised by the Universidad Pontificia ICAI-ICADE’s School of Legal Practice.
  • On Corporate Law, organised by the Business School of the Universidad de Nebrija
  • At Insolvency Law Seminars, organised by the Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • At the Special Insolvency Law Course, organised by the Madrid Bar Association.
  • At the Insolvency Law Forum, organised by the Insituto de Empresa.

Likewise, he co-directed the Forum on Consumer Law, General Conditions of Contract and Advertising organised by the Foundation for Research in Law and Business (Fundación para la Investigación sobre el Derecho y la Empresa).

Antoni has also been a professor for the:

  • Master’s degree in Corporate Insolvency at the Universidad CEU San Pablo.
  • Master’s degree in Intellectual Property at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

He has contributed to various publications related to procedural, insolvency and corporate matters and continues to collaborate regularly in writing articles for specialist magazines.

Professional Organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM).


Antoni Frigola features in the legal directory such as:

  • Best Lawyers®: Litigation, Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Product Liability Litigation and Arbitration and Mediation.


  • Best Lawyers®: Product Liabillity Litigation “Lawyer of the Year” (2021).
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Practices and Sectors
Team Antoni Frigola

Of Counsel

Antoni Frigola

Licence no. 85116

The Madrid Bar Association



Practices and Sectors

Of Counsel Antoni Frigola

Licence no. 85116

The Madrid Bar Association




T: +34 91 360 97 94
Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid


Antoni Frigola joined Pérez-Llorca in 2020. Prior to this, he worked at a prestigious international firm and a Big Four company.


  • 2003 Became a specialist judge in commercial law matters, recognised under the Agreement of the General Council of the Judiciary dated 19 November 2003
  • 1990 Became a qualified judge. Promoted to senior judge through RD 156/1992 of 11 February (currently on leave of absence)
  • 1990 Became a qualified public prosecutor. Currently on leave of absence.
  • 1987 Degree in Law, UNED, Madrid

He speaks Spanish.


Antoni boasts ample experience in litigation thanks to the training acquired throughout his career in the Spanish courts: The Madrid Commercial Court; Courts of First Instance in Madrid and Barcelona; the Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation in Fuenlabrada (Madrid); the Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation in Parla; the Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation in Olot (Girona); Public prosecutor for the National High Court of Pontevedra.

In addition, Antoni has over 10 years of experience practising law dedicated to procedural representation in complex litigation, including advice on international arbitration, proceedings for the liability of directors and contesting corporate resolutions within listed companies and international groups, and advice and representation of airlines in damage claims.

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

Antoni has taught at classes and conferences in the following institutions:

  • On Procedural Law, organised by the General Council of the Judiciary.
  • On procedural matters, organised by the Universidad Pontificia ICAI-ICADE’s School of Legal Practice.
  • On Corporate Law, organised by the Business School of the Universidad de Nebrija
  • At Insolvency Law Seminars, organised by the Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • At the Special Insolvency Law Course, organised by the Madrid Bar Association.
  • At the Insolvency Law Forum, organised by the Insituto de Empresa.

Likewise, he co-directed the Forum on Consumer Law, General Conditions of Contract and Advertising organised by the Foundation for Research in Law and Business (Fundación para la Investigación sobre el Derecho y la Empresa).

Antoni has also been a professor for the:

  • Master’s degree in Corporate Insolvency at the Universidad CEU San Pablo.
  • Master’s degree in Intellectual Property at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

He has contributed to various publications related to procedural, insolvency and corporate matters and continues to collaborate regularly in writing articles for specialist magazines.

Professional Organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM).


Antoni Frigola features in the legal directory such as:

  • Best Lawyers®: Litigation, Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Product Liability Litigation and Arbitration and Mediation.


  • Best Lawyers®: Product Liabillity Litigation “Lawyer of the Year” (2021).




T: +34 91 360 97 94

Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid