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Vidal strengthens the firm’s Financial Services team
Pérez-Llorca Legal Journal – December 2024
Update on the approval of the Listing Act – developments relevant to capital market transactions
Main amendments to the Prospectus Regulation and the Market Abuse Regulation as well as the date of entry into force...
The CNMV’s new Technical Guide on Audit Committees at Public-Interest Entities
We analyse the main new features introduced by the Guide...
Approval of the Listing Act – Developments relevant to capital market transactions
We analyse the main developments introduced by the new legislation, as well as their practical implications...
Artificial Intelligence: algorithms and regulated sectors
Newsletter Financial Regulatory Compass – January & February 2024
Year in Review 2023 Financial Services and Investment funds
We offer an overview of the regulatory developments approved during 2023, at both European and Spanish level...
Newsletter Financial Regulatory Compass – December 2023
Occupational pension plans and funds
We address the regulatory development of the Law regulating the promotion of occupational pension plans (the "LRPE")...
The Council of the EU adopts the new Consumer Credit Directive
In this legal briefing, we analyse the most important aspects of this Directive...
A new version of the Draft Royal Decree amending the CIS Regulation has been published
In this Legal Briefing, we highlight some of the main new features included in this new version of the Draft...
Newsletter Financial Regulatory Compass – September
The Council of Ministers approves the creation of the Central Registry of Beneficial Ownership and its regulation
In this Legal Briefing, we analyse the main new features arising from the creation of the Registry...
Newsletter Financial Regulatory Compass – July
Latest trends in EU Sustainable Finance and the challenge ahead
In 2018, the European Union established the first Sustainable Finance Strategy...
The European Commission approves a package of measures to protect retail investors
In this Legal Briefing, we analyse the package of retail investment measures that were approved by the European Commission on 24 May...
Securities Market Law
Commentary on the Supreme Court’s judgment of 5 April 2023
This Legal Briefing addresses the recent Supreme Court judgment...
The results of the CNMV’s review of the implementation of sustainability regulations by investment funds are published
In this legal briefing, we analyse the CNMV's main conclusions from its review...
Newsletter Financial Regulatory Compass – April
The CNMV publishes a communication on entities that provide investment services through agents
In this Legal Briefing, we analyse the most salient aspects of the communication...
Legal Studies on Sustainability, Climate Change and ESG Criteria in Spain and th...
The CNMV publishes a Code of good practice for institutional investors, asset managers and proxy advisors in relation to their duties regarding the assets conferred or the services provided
This Legal Briefing analyses the key elements of the Code, which represents the CNMV’s alignment with the regulatory trend whereby, in recent years, more than 20 countries, seven of them European, have published this type of code, which are known as...
Publication of the CREA and CRECE Law
This Legal Briefing will analyse the key aspects of the measures contained in the Law...
The new Draft Law on Securities Markets and Investment Services begins its passage through parliament
In this Legal Briefing, we highlight some of the main new features included in the Draft Law on Securities Markets and Investment Services...
Boosting and improving collective investment and venture capital: The Crea y Crece Law
In July, the draft of the Crea y Crece (Create and Grow) Law was published in the Official Gazette of the Spanish Parliament...
Green MIFID and Sustainable Finance. New CNMV criteria and clarifications
At Pérez-Llorca, we have prepared this analysis to facilitate compliance with these new obligations, which come into force on 2 August...
Web3 Legal approach
In this Legal Briefing, we analyse the first version of the static World Wide Web as well as web 2.0...
The BOE publishes the new CNMV circular on the new models for notification of significant shareholdings, issuer transactions in own shares, and market makers
We analyse the main amendments included in the Circular 2/2022, dated 26 May, of the National Securities Market Commission...
The CNMV adopts the EBA Guidelines on Sound Remuneration Policies for ESIs under Directive (EU) 2019/2034
In this Legal Briefing, we analyse the latest communication from the Spanish National Securities Market Commission...
New CNMV technical guide for the assessment of suitability
This Legal Briefing analyse the main aspects of the Technical Guide...
Spanish and European supervisory authorities issue fresh warnings on the risks of investing in crypto assets
This Information Briefing analyses the assessments made by the Spanish and European supervisory authorities on the risks for consumers in relation to crypto assets...
The CNMV submits for consulation new forms for reporting of significant shareholdings, issuer´s transactions in own shares, and market makers
We analyse in this Legal Briefing the main amendments in the Draft Circular of the CNMV...