
Celia Cañete
Celia Cañete

T: +34 91 423 66 83
Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid


Celia Cañete joined Pérez-Llorca in 2021, having previously completed work experience at the firm as part of the Master’s degree for Access to the Legal Profession. Prior to this, Celia spent more than a year at a Swiss boutique specialised in arbitration, where she mainly worked in the areas of commercial arbitration, sports arbitration and settlement agreements.


  • 2021 Master’s degree for Access to the Legal Profession, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • 2019 Degree in Law, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • 2018 Erasmus scholarship, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

She speaks Spanish, English and French.


Celia is currently working in the firm’s Litigation and Arbitration practice. She has also worked in the Energy and Corporate practice areas.

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

July 2022 – La modificación de contratos por circunstancias sobrevenidas que alteran el equilibrio contractual en el arbitraje internacional: una revisión del estado actual de la cuestión (co-author)

July 2021 – Las cláusulas de arbitraje híbridas bilaterales y unilaterales: una revisión al estado de la cuestión (co-author)

April 2021 – International Arbitration in Latin America: Energy and Natural Resources Disputes (supporting editor, co-author)

April 2020 – ECtHR and Arbitration A New Framework Emerges for the Organisation of Dispute Resolution in Sports? (co-author)

March 2020 – Checklist to assess the impact of coronavirus on contractual performance (co-author)

Professional organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM)

Member of the Spanish Arbitration Club (CEA -40), ICDR Young & International, Young ICCA and Moot Alumni Association (MAA)

Secretary General of the International Arbitration Seminars & Courses (IASC)

Coordinator of Madrid Very Young Arbitration Practitioners (MAD VYAP) and Spanish representative at the Global VYAP Steering Committee

Co-founder of the Sports Arbitration Moot (SAM)

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Practices and Sectors
Team Celia Cañete

Celia Cañete

Licence Nº 135736

The Madrid Bar Association



Practices and Sectors

Celia Cañete

Licence Nº 135736

The Madrid Bar Association



T: +34 91 423 66 83
Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid


Celia Cañete joined Pérez-Llorca in 2021, having previously completed work experience at the firm as part of the Master’s degree for Access to the Legal Profession. Prior to this, Celia spent more than a year at a Swiss boutique specialised in arbitration, where she mainly worked in the areas of commercial arbitration, sports arbitration and settlement agreements.


  • 2021 Master’s degree for Access to the Legal Profession, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • 2019 Degree in Law, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • 2018 Erasmus scholarship, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

She speaks Spanish, English and French.


Celia is currently working in the firm’s Litigation and Arbitration practice. She has also worked in the Energy and Corporate practice areas.

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

July 2022 – La modificación de contratos por circunstancias sobrevenidas que alteran el equilibrio contractual en el arbitraje internacional: una revisión del estado actual de la cuestión (co-author)

July 2021 – Las cláusulas de arbitraje híbridas bilaterales y unilaterales: una revisión al estado de la cuestión (co-author)

April 2021 – International Arbitration in Latin America: Energy and Natural Resources Disputes (supporting editor, co-author)

April 2020 – ECtHR and Arbitration A New Framework Emerges for the Organisation of Dispute Resolution in Sports? (co-author)

March 2020 – Checklist to assess the impact of coronavirus on contractual performance (co-author)

Professional organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM)

Member of the Spanish Arbitration Club (CEA -40), ICDR Young & International, Young ICCA and Moot Alumni Association (MAA)

Secretary General of the International Arbitration Seminars & Courses (IASC)

Coordinator of Madrid Very Young Arbitration Practitioners (MAD VYAP) and Spanish representative at the Global VYAP Steering Committee

Co-founder of the Sports Arbitration Moot (SAM)



T: +34 91 423 66 83

Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid